Thursday, December 09, 2004

"I Awoke This Morning" a poem by ABK

I awoke this morning to a bright new day,
An inner voice had shown me the way.

I awoke this morning to clear blue skies,
The fog had been lifted from my eyes.

I awoke this morning with no sign of rain,
The rays of the sunshine washed away the pain.

I awoke this morning with a new lease on life,
Putting to bed all the trouble and strife.

I awoke this morning happy & glad,
Closing the book on all that made me sad.

I awoke this morning without fear,
I don't need a man to always be here.

I awoke this morning without any care,
Knowing my friends would always be there.

I awoke this morning to find my smile,
Thank goodness it had only been gone a short while.


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