ABK Wears Glasses? No Way?!?!

Ok, so I'm sitting here doing what I do best sometimes when I am bored - cammin & drinking, seeing how much havoc I can wreak in the Yahoo Georgia Romance 8 chat room - (under a screen name that is not known to most of my blog reading friends) (oh, and I am being told that I smoke & drink too much - GET OVER IT) and I am wearing my glasses because, once again, I have gone way past the 14 days that I am "allowed" to wear my contacts and they are bugging the shit outta me - so, I have to take them out or do the perputual eyes watering, blurry vision thing. I decided that taking them out would be the better option ...
I realize that not many people even know I wear glasses, let alone have they seen me in them - well, except for tonight on my cam - so I decided that as part of my post for the day, I'd add a pic of me wearing the dreaded things. (If any of you leave a comment that I look like a librarian, I am gonna kick your azz, lol)
Anyways, I am sittin here with my new music from the Invasion qued up in a playlist on my WinMedia - ya know, the good stuff - Jimmy and the Teasers, Gravy Boat, The Rounders (they weren't there but Tid made me a CD and has had me listening to it in the Millenium LoriRocks Tidmobile when we're out together) and of course, I got Patsy, Johnny, Nickleback and Nazareth and this new group I heard about "The Bottle Babies" in that mix because, well .. because I like it , get the heck over it. (Oh, he also had me listening to this KICKASS Irish band driving all over Atlanta but I don't know the name so I can't even find the CD info - TID - Help me out here!!) (Ok, so I'm assuming he reads my Blog and might actually answer and help me out - because gosh knows he doesn't ever answer my emails ... but the Atlanta thing - well, we aren't gonna go there)
I tried to change my song tonight, tired of the dayum GNR song (I know ya'll are too) but I can't find a new one that I like .... UGH ... so, I decided to email the URL creator and ask him to please help me put new tuneage on my blog ... (keep your fingers crossed that he does it for me)
Ok, so where was I before I started the rampage about music?? Shit, I don't remember ... I am listening to Rehab - Sittin in a Bar - (kinda appropriate, don't ya think) downing a few Bud Lights here (wonder if they'll give me free beer for mentioning them as much as I do? It's worth a shot, huh?) .. and am totally losing my train of thought - Go figure!!! LOL.
Work was busy today, I was in a 2hr meeting .. confidential so I can't tell you what it was about. Then, I had a Motion to format for boss' signature and filing tomorrow .... had a few other things that I had to do for the boss ... and then, I ducked outta work early (I don't turn in overtime even though I can. I just leave early - hey, it works for me - extra money or time to goof off, which would you choose?)
So, now I am sitting here - with a killer buzz going on - thankful because tonight, MAYBE, for the first time this week, I'll get more than an hour's sleep ... I tell ya ... being single, sleeping with a Teddy Bear sucks sometimes .. but hey, I'll Live - Right? Sleep deprivation thankfully has not affected my work - but it has made me hate waking up alone even more ... and made me madder at a certain person for playing the tremendous mind games that he has been ... and yes, madder at myself for letting him do it to me AGAIN!
Fuk - where was I again?? Shit - I dunno - my train of thought keeps going out the window (Ya think it is too many Bud Lights?? NOPE - just intelligence at work, lol!)
On that note - hold on, I need another beer ...........................
I'm Back, Miss Me? (of course you did, lol)
Let's see, that makes 6 Bud Lights ( no dinner for me tonight because I didn't wanna cook/eat alone again) and I am still losing my train of thought every second or so .. but, I am thinking that not many are gonna read my post except me so, it's all good ....
Well, I suppose that's enough Blogging tonight for me ... I don't know what else to tell ya'll anyways... and, it's gettin chilly in here (hmm, wonder why? LOL) and well, shit, I am detting grunk ... lemme go see what's going on in the chat and in the 2 HeavyRebel Boards I am a member of ... and then, it's gonna be off to dream (ok, it's off to pass out) with Ted E. and wake up tomorrow for another day in the life of AngelBearKiss ... aka ABK Rulz .. aka Amy ....
Dayum ... am I that boring?? LOL ... Kisses .. See Ya'll tomorrow ....
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