What "Lord Of The Rings" Character are you?

You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.
Ok, ok, I admit it. I guess I do flirt a lot at times (I'm still a firm believer in being 100% faithful to the one I am with, if I am with someone, even if I am out going, which, at the moment, I guess I'm single so the faithful part doesn't apply anymore) ::: sighs ::::: but the rest of it kinda sums up who I am ....
Go Take it for yourself .... What LoTR Character Are You? ... and lemme know which one you are.
Oh, and for those of you that have no clue who the characters are or just wanna read more about the trilogy, go visit this site Lord Of The Rings and you can find all the info you need about the LOTR trilogy!
INCIDENTALLY - I changed the song on here tonight to one that more suits me - Staind ~ "So Far Away" (it actually reflects me at the moment so deal with it) I wish I could put the songs I listen to on my WinMedia - The Rounders, Gravy Boat, The Bottle Babies, Jimmy and the Teasers, Patsy, Johnny Cash, Straight 8's (to name a few) .. but, unfortunately, the music I post has to be a URL and I can't figure out how to turn the songs I listen to into them yet .. and the site that I get my stuff from now hasn't responded to my request ... so, if any of you out there reading this knows how to change mp3's into URL's, I'd really appreciate it if you told me how to do it ...
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