Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Some People Are Evil.

Last night, my son CJ was riding his bike through our apartment complex. It's fairly well lit so I generally don't mind letting him ride after dark as long as he stays in the complex. Well, this has now changed and he will not be allowed to ride after dark at all for a long, long time.

Why would I change this all of a sudden??

Last night, as he was riding at the front of our apartment complex, a truck turned sharply and hit him, smashing his fingers between the handlebars and the truck and ultimately, knocking him over the handlebars. He's ok except for bumps, bruises and scrapes THANK GOD but ... that idiot driver kept right on going as my child was laying there on the ground. CJ said he yelled at him as he sped away "Are you ok?".

What the fuck kind of monster can hit a child, on a bike or otherwise, and keep going even as they see them laying on the ground? I know no matter what, I couldn't. Maybe it's just that I'm a mother and a bit naive but I cannot imagine being that incompassionate and let a child, or an adult for that matter, lay there without offering some sort of assistance.

I called CJs dad over - who broke all sorts of laws speeding, etc. to my apartment to check on our son. Filled out the police report. Had the EMS look at CJ and make sure that he was ok. Poor Jason showed up at my apartment in the middle of all this chaos too ... and ya know, none of us could understand how someone could do this.

I'm not sure if I believe in Heaven/Hell like most people do but if indeed there is a hell, I certainly hope that there is a special place there that burns hotter, more intense with crueler punishment for people that show so much lack of concern/compassion for others ..

My son was very lucky .... and so am I.


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