Friday, December 31, 2004

My New Year's Eve - gotta share this one with you all

I'm sittin here so full of pride right now that I am about to bust out at the seams ...


Because as I type this message to you all, my 2 incredible sons are busy packing up their Playstation, 14 games, and 2 controllers with their own little "message" to the recepient and contents of the box written for my friend's neighbor kids that don't have a video game of their own ...

I am so proud of their generosity right now, I'm beyond words to describe it ... I snapped a picture of it for memories sake because I never want to forget the look on their faces when they've done their first act of charity all on their own ...

Being a momma at times like this is the best gift I've ever been given in my life ... I hope you all experience this feeling in your lifetime because it's worth more than all the money in the world

Thanks for letting me share this moment with you - May you all have a great 2005!


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10:14 AM  
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11:20 PM  
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11:56 PM  
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7:29 PM  
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11:17 AM  
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2:30 PM  

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