Saturday, September 11, 2004

Heading to the Jinx

Ok, so today was kinda boring! CJ's baseball practice got cancelled because of the soggy ground caused by Frances! I cleaned some, did laundry, read "The Book of Shadows," sat here on my butt in front of the pc, met my new neighbors, listened to mp3's and added some new tunes by FLOGGING MOLLY(a kick azz Irish group), cooked an awesome dinner for me & the boys, ran to Food Lion, ... and took a long hot soak in the tub. (FINALLY, and it FELT SOOOOO GOOD after 2 weeks without one) Now, I am sitting here for a few minutes relaxing before I get dressed to head to The Jinx to see The Rounders and Whiskey Dick.

It'll be after 3am by the time I get the boys from the sitter and settled down for the night so I don't think you'll be hearing much, if anything else, out of me for the rest of the night. (I know, I know - it's gonna be hard, but You'll Live ... I promise, lol)

I'm gonna take my camera with me and try to take a few pictures to post but can't make any promises since it's always pretty dark in The Jinx ...

So, Until tomorrow ~ May Angels watch over you all and may you have the Sweetest Dreams possible.


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