Monday, August 23, 2004

About Those Emails (a poem I wrote)

Long Ass Emails I write to share,
Thoughts and Feelings so you know I care.

Emotions deeper than you were aware,
Shocking to you, but yes they're there.

Hurt and emotionally drained, I poorly acted
I can't blame you for how you reacted.

I got what I said, but not what I wanted
By my own words and actions - I'm now haunted.

Begging and pleading in vain, I don't mind
Because I know love is hard to find.

I did my best to make amends
You think it's best our relationship ends.

All that's left is to return your key,
Bid you peace and set you free.

I love you, miss you, want you here,
But can never blame you for what you fear.


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