Thursday, August 26, 2004

How will you DIE?

After being woken up from a pretty cool dream by the apt maintainence guy to do the monthly inspection (I am home early from work because my tummy hurts) I decided that since I could not return to the dream (yes, I tried) I would see what was up in the world of blogging. I took this Quiz off Chuck's blog, How Will You Die?, (I took it as Amy & Angel Bear, yes I am bored! lol) and could not get the dam thing to post right so, after numerous attempts - I decided to just post the link and the results.

(perplexed look)

Well, according to "The QUIZ," it seems that Angel Bear is going to die at 65 while I am sleeping. (Nice, peaceful way to go) I, on the otherhand, am going to die at 69 of drowning. (So, I'm thinking, that's not too bad. Just hope I look good in a bikini because you know that's how they'll find me, lol)

Looking on the bright side of things, I determine that I luckily have 31 more years to provide you with the ABK shenangians and ramblings you have come to know and love (Stop Rolling Your Eyes!) and 35 more years to Grow Up and maybe, just maybe - find Mr. Right! (Yeah, like that'll happen!)

Anyway, these quizzes are pretty fun, so, try it! What's the worst that can happen?? (giggles)


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