Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Ok, so my day didn't turn out to be so bad after all. (didn't cry yet and that's a plus, lol) It's Wednesday! One more day before my long weekend. (Taking Friday off to handle a "storm" but will not be tied up too long so, it's like a VACATION Day!) (Actually, I have 2 long weekends in a row because Tid had asked me to go to Drive-In Invasion with him over Labor Day, and I put in for the time off already so next week, I am off Thursday through Tuesday, what am I gonna do now??)

During a smoke break, I ran into 4 incredible looking BellSouth guys! (My telephone guy has the "butt-crack, dicky-do" syndrome, ugh!) One of whom had just lost a bet for $5 to each of the others because he didn't guess all 50 states (He missed UTAH, the only state where it is legal to be married to more than one person at a time!) Never will understand why men are always so competitive, must be the testosterone! But did welcome the fact that I noticed other guys were attractive, that's a start.

I joined an AVON conversation, worked on a Motion, a letter, updated contact information, entered time, found out more about the status of my job ... yada yada yada, such is the life of a secretary! Then, I heard about the Dave Matthews Band Shituation, to which I laughed hysterically and shared with several other co-workers.

And then, as I was leaving the parking lot, I ran into a guy that had been at Max & Brandon's wedding. (I forget his name - met alot of people that night, get over it!) Told him I'd figure out a way to show him the pics I took, but forgot to ask if he had a pc for a disk or if I'd have to show him prints - will figure that one out later. (yes, he's cute, but that is not why I talked to him, I am a people person, I TALK!)

Decided that Friday, after "the storm." I am going to go to O'Connell's and then to the Jynx to see "
The Defilers, even if I have to go SOLO! (I am in serious need of some FUN, and am outgoing and capable of hanging out by myself if need be) B from work said he might can find me a man to accompany me but I don't know ...

Got an email forwarded to me from "him." My dear friend Brit had emailed him her thoughts (and he replied, miracles never cease!) so, of course, I responded to what he had to say about me and the situation. (She did better than I did because I rarely got responses from him, lol) Of course, I still have not received a response from him and likely won't. As I said earlier, it'll be his LOSS!

A little while ago, my friend Brad came by with a task that needs my expertise! (I am so glad to have someone need me, lol!!) Brad just got married on Monday (Congrats!) and I am very happy for him and glad that he chose me to help him with his very important, but unnamed task.

Ok people, that's been my day in a nutshell. I am about to hit the hay with Ted E. and will definitely be back tomorrow with more news in the life of ABK ... Sweet Dreams!!!


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