Thursday, September 02, 2004

Hurricane Frances - will it hit or miss Georgia?

Ok, so the big talk with everyone is whether or not the latest Hurricane is going to hit Georgia. It seems to be taking that approach. But, most of them do and then, change course and spare us. Still, it is scarey to think that we may be hit with those kind of winds and the destruction that they can cause. We've had tons of rain lately which makes for small "floods" until the rain stops. Had to drive through one yesterday with water up to the rocker panels - UGH! And these Georgia people can't DRIVE for SHIT in the RAIN! Thank God they don't get ice & snow like we did in West Virginia.

With a possible evacuation in the future, I decided to start looking into driving to Atlanta to go to the
Starlight Six Drive-In Invasion. Had already planned to go with Tid but .. Anyways ... Seems I'll be winging it alone if I do go. But, I can't seem to find a hotel close enough to not get lost. Camping is supposed to be $25 a night - but no showers nearby (A BIG UGH!) A friend of mine with a place 35 miles away said I can crash at his house ... hmmmm???

Brit is heading to Maryland to stay with her mom to be out of the Hurricane's path. The boys are supposed to be heading to Kentucky and possibly Alabama. Mark & Misty are either going to Tennessee or just gonna hang out getting their new place in order. So, I'm thinking that being in this building over a long weekend without someone to chit chat with is going to be BORING as hell (not to mention scarey as hell if Frances does give us Georgians her Wrath!) so ... I guess I'd better make a decision soon as to what I plan to do!!!!

I read my horoscope today - WHO WRITES THESE THINGS ANYWAY? I mean yeah, mine is usually close and explains some of the moodiness I have (ok, so it gives me an EXCUSE for the mood swings)

Pisces Horoscope for Thursday, September 2, 2004
You might feel as if you've had to hold yourself back over these last days and even weeks. Now, however, the dam is ready to break and the waters are again ready to flow to the sea. Your separateness is again temporarily dissolving as the reality of your compassion overtakes your need for boundaries. Don't sacrifice your individuality too quickly. It's not selfish to hold onto your own center, for if you get washed out too far from the safety of the shoreline, you won't be of much help to anyone.

Ok, so that's all I can think to write at the moment. Besides, it's time for me to shower and head to Savannah - Ya'll Have a Great Day!


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