Me & My "Monsters"

Ok, so here's me and my "MONSTERS" .. not sure if they are scarey enough to be "monsters" and shit but I did make them without patterns (used just my imagination and stitching skills) but, hey, I'm new at this so cut me some slack ... I've got a zombie chic in plaid skirt & black tank, a bat, a ghost with a tie and an alien with purple hair ... lemme know what you think if ya want .. either way, I gotta have them in the mail by October 1st so ... I guess I need to decide if they're good enough or if I need to start over ... UGH!!!
Work today was kinda SLAMMED but it's good that way, time flies. Someone from the HRW board had this cool ass kitten pic with knife & lil gun that is now prominently displayed in a few cubbies (mine included) and sums up how some of us feel ... the rest just got a good chuckle out of it and forwarded it to others for their enjoyment .. isn't EMAIL great for that? I'd like to sic that lil kitten on someone in particular but am still considering paying $50 to an outrageous co-worker to pee on her desk for my last day there so ... it's still up in the air .. (grinning)
Ok well .. I think that's all I can think of to write for tonight .. gotta go sleep ALONE again (frowning) but oh well, I'm gettin used to it again so it's all good .. and to quote someone near and dear to me, "I'll Live."
Sweet dreams ...
Wait, so what are we making here?
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