Monday, October 11, 2004

UGH! It's Monday!

Chuck left me a comment on my post from yesterday asking me "how many buckets of rain and if he could get an estimate?" Well ~ I told him "I would say about 50 buckets (10 gallon buckets to be exact) every minute! Can you believe it? I actually contemplated going swimming in my front yard/parking lot!" So far, he hasn't responded but I'll let you know if he does.

Incidentally, Chuck is one of the few people that I know reads my blog on a regular basis. At least he didn't make a comment about the Yahoo Personal Ad I posted, huh?? I shudder to think of what he might have said!

Today was a good, busy day at work. Still working on "transition issues" but hope to be in my new office soon. I was groggy all day today because I stayed up until after 3am talking to someone. (Didn't help that I was still sick from Friday I suppose) but, it was very interesting conversation and made me smile until my cheeks hurt ~ every conversation should be that way!

After I came home from work, I took a hot bath (No, I didn't shower this morning. I didn't wake up until 8 and have to leave at 830 so I just got dressed, brushed my teeth, put on some make up and went to work and still made it there by 845 ~ I'm good, what can I say?) smoked a cigarette with Paula & Brittany and went for CRABLEGS and BEER (mmm, beer) with the conversationalist and his son. It was very nice. (His son is 16 and could teach my 2 a few things, whether or not it would be good things or not remains to be seen)

Oops, now, I'm sitting here on the phone and losing the ability to concentrate on my jouirnal so I'll have to get back to you later ... Sweet Dreams Ya'll ....


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