Water Moccasin Blues!
Ok, so yesterday I laughed and told you all about Brit's ratsnake on her patio ... well, that'll teach me to laugh at others!
This morning at 10 - just getting in from the night watching Rocket 350 & The Defilers, I hear my sons telling me that there's this cute lil baby snake with stripes on it by MY FRONT DOOR!!!!!
Hearing the word "cute lil baby snake" didn't bother me so much - it was the "Stripes on it" that did it. (Since moving to the SE with 2 little boys, I have gotten to be quite the pro at determining poisonous critters)
So, I go over to see what my lil nature lovers are admiring - and my suspicions were correct - it was a 18 inch long WATER MOCCASIN! A quick call to maintainence to get it GONE turned out to be over a 2 hour laugh fest, at my expense!
You see, the nice maintainence man had him in those lil pincher things - but his thumb hurt so HE DROPPED It and it slithered into the bushes by my patio (2 feet from my front door) The bushes now look rather shabby since he, myself and Brit poked and prodded at them trying to find the lil sucker.
All the while, I'm trying to keep my sons in the house safe while all they wanna do is See it again (the older one cannot understand why he can't have it as a pet)
My new upstairs neighbor is also watching us safely and laughing from her balcony, but she later comes down to see if she can help locate it. Doesn't help that Mr MAN thinks it's funny to continually act like he's grabbing at the snake at my feet. :angry:
So, finally - after 2 hours in the sun, we all decided he is probably underground somewhere and just dump SnakeAway (which, by the way, stinks because it is made from moth balls so now my whole apt smells like a granny's closet)
Now, I still have a snake in my bushes - and will most likely be the one to find it when I am not remembering that he has taken up residence there -
Anyone got a Water Mocassin Anti-Venom kit??? :(
Incidentally - the Show was AWESOME and I took some cool pics that I'll post tomorrow or the next day - tonight, I'm exhausted from last night & today's snake adventure so I'm going to head to bed ....
Sweet Dreams!
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