Sunday, September 26, 2004

Reflecting on Relationships

Ok, so I'm sitting here waiting to see what/if any effects our area gets from the latest hurricane and decided to clean some of the papers off my desk (dang, where did all this shit come from??). I stumbled onto a scribbled note I made about a topic I wanted to post on my blog. So, since I have nothing else to write about at the moment, HERE GOES!

First, I'm gonna quote an Old Wives Tale - "If you buy shoes for a woman, she'll walk right out of your life."

Not sure why I felt the need to start off with that quote - but, it's my blog and I can do what I want So THERE!

Now with that said, I'll start my journal entry.

You see, the significance of that quote to me is this - I have been thinking about my relationships that have failed and figured out a few similarities in each of them. So Bear with me as I list some of them for you.

1st Similarity?? If a guy I am seeing buys me a T-shirt - I end up with the T-shirt and not the guy. (In some cases, this is a blessing) So, new rule??? Don't buy me any t-shirts. While I do appreciate the thought, I can buy my own and don't want to put on a t-shirt and remember where it came from if it came from a failed relationship. Throwing the t-shirts away in some cases might be the answer - but some of them are pretty cool & comfy so I keep them - so from now on, I'll just buy my own and not have that problem.

2nd Similarity? Big, muscle bound guys (all with hidden tatts) that are Military or Ex-Military. So, I dig men in uniform but seem to pick the wrong ones. (this is not the case with my ex-hubby who I was with for 10 years and have 2 beautiful sons by - he is not the typical "type" I fall for though .. hmm)

3rd Similarity? They like fast cars, bikes/4-wheelers, guns, redheads, have an azz fetish, and listen to just about any music there is. (This isn't a bad thing because I like those things too, have red hair, and they have all turned me on to bands that I otherwise wouldn't have heard)

4th Similarity? If they seem to like me more than I do them at first, they don't last. And, once they have uttered that "L" word, shit changes .. usually for the worst. (I am beginning to think that these men have LOVE confused with LUST. Love Lasts .. Lust doesn't. So maybe I need to clarify that with any future prospects??)

5th Similarity? Can't remember any of them that really liked MY FRIENDS! Have on occasion ditched friends to keep guy - not anymore. Friends last longer than men do, so either deal with my friends .. or I can show ya the door.

6th Similarity?? All of them have "ISSUES" with their family members. (Shoulda been a dead giveaway to run like hell in the opposite direction as fast as I could instead of either trying to be understanding, sympathetic or helpful.) Reality check here - EVERYONE has an issue with someone in their family. If we liked everyone we were related to, it just wouldn't be life. We all know that we can't pick our relatives, so get over your issues!

7th Similarity? They're all divorced and have "issues" stemming from the divorce. Either she cheated, he cheated because she did this/that, or something along those lines. This is hard for me to relate to because I am good friends with my ex mainly because of the kids. We grew in different directions and while we don't always agree, I don't hate him or say he's evil. I mean, really .. if you loved them at one time - how can they be totally evil?? It reflects poorly on you if all you can do is say negative things about the other person. I mean, you picked them, right?? So, what does it say about you if all you can say is negative things about the person you once loved?

I think that about sums up the similarity issue. Not really sure what writing about them did other than made a visual for me to fall back on in the event I decide to date again so I can remember things about the ones that didn't work ... not even sure if I can/should change the "type" guys that I am attracted to just learn to see the "signs" earlier and run when I see them, lol.

I'm mainly just sitting here bored and rambling. But, I am realizing one important thing ... Being in relationships is hard and takes work, no matter what kind of relationship it is. Kids, Friends, Lovers ... the only thing that doesn't take work is having a "booty call" because with them, you don't have to deal with their idiosyncrasies. You just call them up when you are in need, they come, fill the need, and then you show them to the door - No DRAMA Involved. How easy is that??

Yeah, that would be a pretty cool life I suppose. But, then society would frown upon you for having "meaningless sex" and you'd never have someone to cuddle with when it rained or grow old with ... but .. there's NO DRAMA ... No Feelings Involved to get hurt ... hmmm, tough one here ....

Lemme think about this one for a while :)

Saturday, September 25, 2004

CJ's 1st Scrimmage. Posted by Hello

Friday, September 24, 2004

My Monsters, not too scarey, huh?

Ok - so I'm thinking that the fear of the rapist has zapped me of my creativity and made my "monsters" look too cute but since I have to have them in California by October 1st, these will have to do. The white one with red skirt is a Zombie chic, the others are just voodoo doll thingys and the blue blob thing has vampire teeth, but you can't see them in this pic ~ that's about as scarey as I can muster right now. Sorry!

Course, if they want a real "MONSTER," I can try to make a model/voodoo doll from the sketch of the rapist - he's a helluva lot more scarey than anything I've ever seen in a horror movie that's for sure!!

The boys crashed on the couch watching "Scooby Doo 2" and they look totally adorable. (Yes, I have a biased opinion, I'm their Momma, I'm supposed to) CJ's got baseball practice tomorrow from 10-2 so, of course, I'll take pictures and post so you can see how cute he looks in his uniform ...

Dayum, I just read what I have typed so far and I don't think I'm making much sense ~ not that I usually do but tonight seems worse than normal. Oh well ... I tried.

I am totally exhausted right now and am going to carry myself in and try to sleep tonight some ... hope anyone that reads this has sweet dreams. Night.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Ok Ya'll ~ I'm Officially Scared Now!

I hate being scared! I really, really do. But I have a good reason to be terrified at the moment. The rapist has been in our apartment complex a few times tonight already. We've had the police here because of all the sightings. They aren't saying much just that he's getting more aggressive and that we need to be careful. I live on the bottom floor apt with bushes by doors. Our nice police neighbor is out of town for the weekend so it seems like the rapist has been watching for this because he hasn't come near while the officer was here.

I was so scared, I even called Tid even though I didn't want to bother him. I must've woke him up because he didn't seem too friendly or concerned. I think he thinks I am over-reacting, but, who wouldn't be scared with a rapist in their apartment complex when they lived alone?? I mean yes, as he said on the phone, he has given me the tools to protect/defend myself but I mentioned that it's having the ability to be able to use what he is teaching me when/if I have to (WHICH I HOPE I NEVER DO) that's the hard part.

Oooohh! That makes me sooo dayum mad about some men. (really angry face) I mean what? I'm good enough to have sex with, hang out with, to teach safety and loan a gun to but not good enough to show compassion to when I am terrified because there's a SERIAL RAPIST prowling where I live???

Ok, so I got off topic there maybe a little but dammit - calling him wasn't easy. I don't want to admit I am scared, especially not to someone that dumped me like he did and kept me confused for weeks afterward. I mean, I don't get it .. how can you love someone and be happy with them, dump them so they don't dump/hurt you and then act like you could care less that they are scared that a rapist is nearby??? FUK! I don't get it!

Back to the rapist thingy ~ poor Brit is as terrified as I am and we're sitting here talking in instant messages because we know going outside isn't safe. I'm single and her hubby is army and gone a good bit at times. Both of us hate that we lost the piece of mind we had living here because of this. Both of us live on the bottom floors too ... which is not making it any easier. Shit, both of us have mentioned moving at least once tonight, even though we know that this could happen anywhere, Shit, it did here! At least we have each other looking out for the other, huh??

Well, I got to try to sleep tonight ~ though I doubt that is possible with all this and the boys will be here tomorrow and I gotta be strong for them and not let them worry about their Momma ~

Ya'll have a good night & Sweet Dreams ... and hey, could ya send me some strength, courage and prayers?

Wow - is it Thursday already?

Geesh, this week has flown by. Of course, I haven't had time to write in my journal because I've been pre-occupied about personal safety of myself and my neighbors and just hanging out with them until time for bed. I also helped my new neighbor hook up her Cable internet so now, when we're not outside/at each other's house talking, all 3 of us can talk on the net to each other - yes, I know - we're strange - get over it!

Ok, so you're probably asking yourself why would she be pre-occupied with personal safety all of a sudden? Well, there was a rape on Saturday at the apartment complex across the street from where I live. And being a single female (neighbors are too) it kinda has a tendency to make you worry and be a little scared. (By the way, being scared is the worst feeling in the world I think)

The 3 of us that live here have adopted the buddy system when it's dark and make sure we're not alone outside, which is a start. I have also gotten Tid to start teaching me handgun safety and think that buying a handgun may help with the SCARED feeling living alone with a rapist on the loose tends to give you. I had my first lesson last night and he's a pretty good teacher (and it's amazing what he knows about guns and safety) He gave me a few things to carry with me for safety and I have a booklet to look over until my next lesson. Oh, he's a NRA certified instructor so yes, he is qualified to teach me.

This is a big step for me because I never wanted a gun in the house, especially with the boys. I mean, I've shot them before (long time ago) and I've shot rifles/shotguns for skeet and such .. but, shooting at a target for fun is a little different than figuring out how to use one to protect someone you care about (or yourself) when you have to. Course, being a single female, I also have to learn how to clean them unless I want to be relying on a guy to do that for me ... which, at this point, I don't!

Devon's first football game is next Thursday, providing we don't get more rain to soak the fields - I am sooo excited, I can't wait .... CJ should have a Baseball game within the next 2 weeks - he's never played before so I am really looking forward to that one too.

Lemme see .. what else is new with me??? I still haven't finished my zombie dolls yet but will do so by the weekend because they have to be in California by the 1st. I also got a bunch of pictures developed to finally work on my scrapbook again. There doesn't seem to be any bands playing at the Jinx in the coming weeks that I want to see so I guess I'll hang here at the house for a while until something fun comes up and work on projects I have long neglected.

I'm still single and although I jokingly tell people that if I had a Big Ole Boyfriend in my life, I wouldn't have to worry about personal safety so much - we all know that with the DRAMA that men tend to put me through, it's best that I can take care of myself and not need them for anything since they seem to be pretty unreliable. I'm sorry if that sounds mean and all .. but, oh well ... I'm slowly learning how to be just friends with Tid and hope that if and when I decide to date again, I'll luck out and not make the same mistakes that I have been.

On that note, I really must drag my lil azz to the shower and get ready for work. Ya'll have a great day and I'll talk to you soon ....

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Water Moccasin Blues!

Ok, so yesterday I laughed and told you all about Brit's ratsnake on her patio ... well, that'll teach me to laugh at others!

This morning at 10 - just getting in from the night watching Rocket 350 & The Defilers, I hear my sons telling me that there's this cute lil baby snake with stripes on it by MY FRONT DOOR!!!!!

Hearing the word "cute lil baby snake" didn't bother me so much - it was the "Stripes on it" that did it. (Since moving to the SE with 2 little boys, I have gotten to be quite the pro at determining poisonous critters)

So, I go over to see what my lil nature lovers are admiring - and my suspicions were correct - it was a 18 inch long WATER MOCCASIN! A quick call to maintainence to get it GONE turned out to be over a 2 hour laugh fest, at my expense!

You see, the nice maintainence man had him in those lil pincher things - but his thumb hurt so HE DROPPED It and it slithered into the bushes by my patio (2 feet from my front door) The bushes now look rather shabby since he, myself and Brit poked and prodded at them trying to find the lil sucker.

All the while, I'm trying to keep my sons in the house safe while all they wanna do is See it again (the older one cannot understand why he can't have it as a pet)

My new upstairs neighbor is also watching us safely and laughing from her balcony, but she later comes down to see if she can help locate it. Doesn't help that Mr MAN thinks it's funny to continually act like he's grabbing at the snake at my feet. :angry:

So, finally - after 2 hours in the sun, we all decided he is probably underground somewhere and just dump SnakeAway (which, by the way, stinks because it is made from moth balls so now my whole apt smells like a granny's closet)

Now, I still have a snake in my bushes - and will most likely be the one to find it when I am not remembering that he has taken up residence there -

Anyone got a Water Mocassin Anti-Venom kit??? :(

Incidentally - the Show was AWESOME and I took some cool pics that I'll post tomorrow or the next day - tonight, I'm exhausted from last night & today's snake adventure so I'm going to head to bed ....

Sweet Dreams!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Brit's Gonna Kill Me For This One!

Well, after I posted the blog this morning, my phone rings. It's Brit and I am sure she's going to ask me why I'm not ready to leave yet.


It turns out, that she is trapped by a snake on her patio while she is trying to smoke. She didn't know the number to maintainence so she called me to give it to her. I woulda gone to her rescue immediately but without any weapons and trying to keep CJ & Devon safely in the house - all I can do is give her the number and hurry to get dressed to go check on her. (After he kills it, he finds out it was a rat snake but we've had a lot of Water Mocassins - so any snake they see, ends up dead - which is ok by me) Luckily, John, her big ole hubby who is more terrified of snakes that she & I both are isn't here right now .. lol!!!

We went to Wal*Mart and of course, I spent way more than I had planned on but oh well - it's only money. Now it's time for me to take a nap - then get up, finish laundry, do my hair, make zombies and shit to get ready for tonight.

I'll be back!

Yeah! The sun is shining!

Ok, so I didn't blog yesterday! Seems that my mind was a little too preoccupied to get up the energy to write anything that made sense since work's been really hectic lately. We have tons of stuff going on but it makes the time there fly and will pay off in the end. Besides that, Brit and Karrissa came back from Maryland (bout dayum time because I missed them being right across the breezeway the last 3 weeks) so I helped her unload the car and hung out with them until I had toothpicks under my eyes. I actually went to bed before midnight - hmm, I guess miracles do happen, lol! I'm supposed to be getting myself and the boys ready to go with Brit to the post office and Wal*Mart (so don't tell her that I'm sittin here blogging instead) I gotta go get some stuff to wash the gray outta my hair (hee hee) and some food for these starving little boys I have. Tonight, I am supposed to be heading to the JINX to see Rocket 350 and the Defilers ... yippee!!! FUN!!! Maybe I'll get on here a blog a bit if I find something of interest before I head out. But, no promises though since I still have to make 3 zombies and do my hair, and shower, and shave, and feed the kids, and Well, you get the point. Have a great day ya'll ... I'll be back soon!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Me & My "Monsters"

Ok, so here's me and my "MONSTERS" .. not sure if they are scarey enough to be "monsters" and shit but I did make them without patterns (used just my imagination and stitching skills) but, hey, I'm new at this so cut me some slack ... I've got a zombie chic in plaid skirt & black tank, a bat, a ghost with a tie and an alien with purple hair ... lemme know what you think if ya want .. either way, I gotta have them in the mail by October 1st so ... I guess I need to decide if they're good enough or if I need to start over ... UGH!!!

Work today was kinda SLAMMED but it's good that way, time flies. Someone from the HRW board had this cool ass kitten pic with knife & lil gun that is now prominently displayed in a few cubbies (mine included) and sums up how some of us feel ... the rest just got a good chuckle out of it and forwarded it to others for their enjoyment .. isn't EMAIL great for that? I'd like to sic that lil kitten on someone in particular but am still considering paying $50 to an outrageous co-worker to pee on her desk for my last day there so ... it's still up in the air .. (grinning)

Ok well .. I think that's all I can think of to write for tonight .. gotta go sleep ALONE again (frowning) but oh well, I'm gettin used to it again so it's all good .. and to quote someone near and dear to me, "I'll Live."

Sweet dreams ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Ooohhh Monsters!!!

Ok, so I had a pretty boring day today at the office. I came home, ate a good dinner, went through tons of emails and now, I am sitting here working on my Monsters for the MONSTER SWAP. It's gonna be a lil tough for me because I am used to stitching things like Angels, Santas, Unicorns, pets, sports, etc ... but, I do love to see how far I can stretch my creativity so I'm excited to see if I can turn the Monster I am currently making into the Monster I envison in my mind .. wish me luck!!

Monday, September 13, 2004

Ugh, I feel like Rip VanWinkle!

I've been asleep off and on all day and still feel drained and tired. Not really sure what it is - just know that for me to sleep this much and still feel tired, something is messed up! Oh well. Maybe it's just that my batteries need recharged .. or that now that most of the stress in my life has been slowly winding down and being resolved, I just need to sleep off the fatigue since dealing with it all alone drained me at times ...

Hanging out with Tid Saturday night was a good thing, even though we're still broke up. Don't ask for an explanation because I don't have one. I just get a kinda strange sort of comfort sleeping in his arms that I can't explain and that because of it, has helped with the ability to sleep really well and for a really long time. It was especially cool because I got to see the Rounders. This weekend Rocket 350 and The Defilers will be at the Jinx and I fully plan on being there ... I can't wait.

Oh shit, I'm rambling and not making much sense at the moment but felt the need to write something on here ...

I'm going to go back to bed now .. hope ya'll have sweet dreams.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

ABK meets The Rounders

So, I went to see The Rounders last night. Those guys are awesome! They introduced themselves to me on the street as I was arriving at the Jinx and put on a helluva show. Even with encores, the crowd (me included) still wanted more. Here's a link to some pics I took if ya wanna see -
ABK's Rounders Album.

Well, that's all I'm gonna write for the moment, gonna get up off my azz and clean up some and maybe take a nap!

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Heading to the Jinx

Ok, so today was kinda boring! CJ's baseball practice got cancelled because of the soggy ground caused by Frances! I cleaned some, did laundry, read "The Book of Shadows," sat here on my butt in front of the pc, met my new neighbors, listened to mp3's and added some new tunes by FLOGGING MOLLY(a kick azz Irish group), cooked an awesome dinner for me & the boys, ran to Food Lion, ... and took a long hot soak in the tub. (FINALLY, and it FELT SOOOOO GOOD after 2 weeks without one) Now, I am sitting here for a few minutes relaxing before I get dressed to head to The Jinx to see The Rounders and Whiskey Dick.

It'll be after 3am by the time I get the boys from the sitter and settled down for the night so I don't think you'll be hearing much, if anything else, out of me for the rest of the night. (I know, I know - it's gonna be hard, but You'll Live ... I promise, lol)

I'm gonna take my camera with me and try to take a few pictures to post but can't make any promises since it's always pretty dark in The Jinx ...

So, Until tomorrow ~ May Angels watch over you all and may you have the Sweetest Dreams possible.

Friday, September 10, 2004

What "Lord Of The Rings" Character are you?

Oh My, I took this quiz and it turns out, I am like the coolest CHIC from the LOTR trilogy. (started sweating at first thinking I was gonna be Gollum or Mary, lol) She has the HERO as a lover, is beautiful, immortal and the actress that plays her has one of the legends of Rock as a Dad!!!

You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.

Ok, ok, I admit it. I guess I do flirt a lot at times (I'm still a firm believer in being 100% faithful to the one I am with, if I am with someone, even if I am out going, which, at the moment, I guess I'm single so the faithful part doesn't apply anymore) ::: sighs ::::: but the rest of it kinda sums up who I am ....

Go Take it for yourself ....
What LoTR Character Are You? ... and lemme know which one you are.

Oh, and for those of you that have no clue who the characters are or just wanna read more about the trilogy, go visit this site
Lord Of The Rings and you can find all the info you need about the LOTR trilogy!

INCIDENTALLY - I changed the song on here tonight to one that more suits me - Staind ~ "So Far Away" (it actually reflects me at the moment so deal with it) I wish I could put the songs I listen to on my WinMedia - The Rounders, Gravy Boat, The Bottle Babies, Jimmy and the Teasers, Patsy, Johnny Cash, Straight 8's (to name a few) .. but, unfortunately, the music I post has to be a URL and I can't figure out how to turn the songs I listen to into them yet .. and the site that I get my stuff from now hasn't responded to my request ... so, if any of you out there reading this knows how to change mp3's into URL's, I'd really appreciate it if you told me how to do it ...

Thursday, September 09, 2004

ABK Wears Glasses? No Way?!?!

Ok, so I'm sitting here doing what I do best sometimes when I am bored - cammin & drinking, seeing how much havoc I can wreak in the Yahoo Georgia Romance 8 chat room - (under a screen name that is not known to most of my blog reading friends) (oh, and I am being told that I smoke & drink too much - GET OVER IT) and I am wearing my glasses because, once again, I have gone way past the 14 days that I am "allowed" to wear my contacts and they are bugging the shit outta me - so, I have to take them out or do the perputual eyes watering, blurry vision thing. I decided that taking them out would be the better option ...

I realize that not many people even know I wear glasses, let alone have they seen me in them - well, except for tonight on my cam - so I decided that as part of my post for the day, I'd add a pic of me wearing the dreaded things. (If any of you leave a comment that I look like a librarian, I am gonna kick your azz, lol)

Anyways, I am sittin here with my new music from the Invasion qued up in a playlist on my WinMedia - ya know, the good stuff - Jimmy and the Teasers, Gravy Boat, The Rounders (they weren't there but Tid made me a CD and has had me listening to it in the Millenium LoriRocks Tidmobile when we're out together) and of course, I got Patsy, Johnny, Nickleback and Nazareth and this new group I heard about "The Bottle Babies" in that mix because, well .. because I like it , get the heck over it. (Oh, he also had me listening to this KICKASS Irish band driving all over Atlanta but I don't know the name so I can't even find the CD info - TID - Help me out here!!) (Ok, so I'm assuming he reads my Blog and might actually answer and help me out - because gosh knows he doesn't ever answer my emails ... but the Atlanta thing - well, we aren't gonna go there)

I tried to change my song tonight, tired of the dayum GNR song (I know ya'll are too) but I can't find a new one that I like .... UGH ... so, I decided to email the URL creator and ask him to please help me put new tuneage on my blog ... (keep your fingers crossed that he does it for me)

Ok, so where was I before I started the rampage about music?? Shit, I don't remember ... I am listening to Rehab - Sittin in a Bar - (kinda appropriate, don't ya think) downing a few Bud Lights here (wonder if they'll give me free beer for mentioning them as much as I do? It's worth a shot, huh?) .. and am totally losing my train of thought - Go figure!!! LOL.

Work was busy today, I was in a 2hr meeting .. confidential so I can't tell you what it was about. Then, I had a Motion to format for boss' signature and filing tomorrow .... had a few other things that I had to do for the boss ... and then, I ducked outta work early (I don't turn in overtime even though I can. I just leave early - hey, it works for me - extra money or time to goof off, which would you choose?)

So, now I am sitting here - with a killer buzz going on - thankful because tonight, MAYBE, for the first time this week, I'll get more than an hour's sleep ... I tell ya ... being single, sleeping with a Teddy Bear sucks sometimes .. but hey, I'll Live - Right? Sleep deprivation thankfully has not affected my work - but it has made me hate waking up alone even more ... and made me madder at a certain person for playing the tremendous mind games that he has been ... and yes, madder at myself for letting him do it to me AGAIN!

Fuk - where was I again?? Shit - I dunno - my train of thought keeps going out the window (Ya think it is too many Bud Lights?? NOPE - just intelligence at work, lol!)

On that note - hold on, I need another beer ...........................

I'm Back, Miss Me? (of course you did, lol)

Let's see, that makes 6 Bud Lights ( no dinner for me tonight because I didn't wanna cook/eat alone again) and I am still losing my train of thought every second or so .. but, I am thinking that not many are gonna read my post except me so, it's all good ....

Well, I suppose that's enough Blogging tonight for me ... I don't know what else to tell ya'll anyways... and, it's gettin chilly in here (hmm, wonder why? LOL) and well, shit, I am detting grunk ... lemme go see what's going on in the chat and in the 2 HeavyRebel Boards I am a member of ... and then, it's gonna be off to dream (ok, it's off to pass out) with Ted E. and wake up tomorrow for another day in the life of AngelBearKiss ... aka ABK Rulz .. aka Amy ....

Dayum ... am I that boring?? LOL ... Kisses .. See Ya'll tomorrow ....

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Morning Ya'll - Frances & Invasion Aftermath!

It's another dreary day here in the Hill thanks to stupid Frances! Yesterday, on the way to work my driver side wiper decided to break ~no problem, quickly ran by Wal-Mart and had a nice lil mechanic guy put new ones on for me. End of problem? Hell NO! Get back out on 95 and try to turn wipers on again ~ NOTHING! Get to work parking lot - BellSouth truck is in my spot and thinks it's kinda comical that my wipers are giving me a fit. (Did you check the fuse? NO! So I try to check it and can't get the dayum thing out) Go inside - it's a typical Monday - only it's TUESDAY and boss has been very busy while I was in Atlanta partying, oh well! Email Tid about the wiper situation - he suggested I check the fuse too! (Dangit, why is it that men know all this stuff and I don't?) Ok, so I'm leaving work and have B come with me to help me pull the fuse out that seems to be glued into place somehow! Put it back and POOF! Wipers work. (Keep your fingers crossed since it's raining AGAIN today)

Last night, I didn't post on this blog because I was busy posting band links and all on ABK Rulz like I said I would. Having problems posting a few songs but still working on it so I should have it all done this evening. Check it out if ya'll get a chance and lemme know what you think.

Second night in a row that I have not been able to SLEEP! Between the tossing and turning, winds & rain - I have managed to get 2 hours sleep both nights and the deprivation is gonna kill me! Slept great all weekend in Atlanta - course Tid was holding me and I was pretty intoxicated but still .... better luck tonight I suppose

I'm eagerly anticipating Rocket 350 & The Defilers coming to the Jinx on the 18th. I Can't Wait! I got a cool azz outfit in Atlanta at Psycho Sisters (Pink Pleated Mini) unfortunately? the leopard print bustier is too small for my boobs so I'll just end up wearing my Rocket 350 tshirt! No Biggie - not going to impress anyone anyways. (Still too busy being totally confused by HIM to worry about any other men right now)

Well, it's time for me to drag my azz to the shower, much as I detest the thought! Hope ya'll have a great day.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Chilling After Drive-In Invasion

Ok, so we got back from Atlanta about 2. I spent most of the day downloading/naming pics that I took and posting them on the HRW Chat Boards and making an online album (that I added over on my links) so ya'll can see them if ya want. Now, I'm just chilling here in my lil Gravy Boat Tshirt, wearing my chrome lug nut with pink stone ring that I bought from Ms. Metal, nursing wounds & battle scars from the weekend that I spent partying my azz off at the Drive-In Invasion. Don't worry, I'll give you a full recap sometime this week! Geesh! Bear With Me! I'm wore out dammit!!!

Tid & I

Tid & I ~ we went to the Invasion together! He rented us this cozy little hotel room @ The Highland Inn (Room 228, to be exact) in Atlanta and was sweet enough to look out for my drunk lil azz all weekend. What a SAINT!

Rocket 350

Rocket 350 - What can I say other than if you get a chance to listen to these guys Rock - take it! They put on an awesome show and even invited the audience to participate - how cool is that?

Suzanne, Tid & Brad

This is Suzanne, Tid & Brad - hanging out by the Cool Azz Cars on Saturday. Partying with these guys made the Invasion that much Cooler!!!

Joe Bob Briggs

Joe Bob Briggs Hosted the Drive-In Invasion and is really nice in person! (He must be, he posed with me for this pic, didn't he??)

Leaning on a Chevy

Wasn't it nice of this guy to let me lean on his Chevy for this pic???

The Teasers

Here I am hanging out with Charity and Valerie from Jimmy and the Teasers! What can I say? Rocker Girls RULE!

Gravy Boat @ Echo Lounge

Gravy Boat ~ Jerry & the rest of the band came all the way from Austin, TX to play the pre-party at the Echo Lounge on Friday Night! I'll be adding more about them (and the other bands that played) to ABK Rulz sometime this week.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Good Morning! Hope that you all had Sweet Dreams. I have had a slight change of plans and will be heading in to work this morning for a few hours. Not sure if I am heading to Atlanta tonight or tomorrow morning. Depends on how things go. Have a Great Day!!!

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Hey, click here and you can HEAR Me Talk!

this is an audio post - click to play

Wow - I made changes and an additional Blog!

Ok, So I changed the music on here. For the moment, you'll hear Guns N Roses "I think about You." Why you ask?? Because the song rocks and I can't find any other URL for music that I like better at the moment.

I also created a new blog "
ABK Rulz" where I can list links/bands/tattoo joints/etc and not all of the inner thinkings of mine that you have all come to know and love! (If'n you don't stop laughing, I'm about to throw down wif ya!) It's listed in my Cool Links over there --> . I put The Ramones "I Wanna Be Sedated" on there because, well, just because I wanted to dammit!

Another addition to this site is the addition of my GUESTBOOK!!! In case you don't know what it is for, it's a place where ya'll can leave me lil messages and such. And, I expect you to leave me lil messages and such or else, see previous paragraph!! (I will probably be removing the tag board soon though, since I've had a few complaints about it, and no one posts on it anymore anyway, and well .... with the guest book, it's not as in your face that ya'll aren't leaving me messages) :::: sticks out tongue :::::

Ok, so I think that about wraps it up for the new stuff on here for the moment. (Told you in prior posts that I'd be changing things alot so you shouldn't get used to things)

As for my weekend plans - it looks as though I am heading to Atlanta to attend the Drive-In Invasion ... of course, I'll let ya'll know how it went. So, if you don't hear from me for a few days, I'm in Atlanta having fun. If you do, it either got rained out really bad or it wasn't all I thought it would be ....

Either way, thanks for stopping by and bearing with me through my many changes! Take Care & May Angels watch over you always!!

Tattoo Comic, I couldn't resist!

Ok, so you can always look at your own comics - but seeing as how I just got a new tatt on Sunday and this was in the paper today, I couldn't resist - don't like it??? K M A

Hurricane Frances - will it hit or miss Georgia?

Ok, so the big talk with everyone is whether or not the latest Hurricane is going to hit Georgia. It seems to be taking that approach. But, most of them do and then, change course and spare us. Still, it is scarey to think that we may be hit with those kind of winds and the destruction that they can cause. We've had tons of rain lately which makes for small "floods" until the rain stops. Had to drive through one yesterday with water up to the rocker panels - UGH! And these Georgia people can't DRIVE for SHIT in the RAIN! Thank God they don't get ice & snow like we did in West Virginia.

With a possible evacuation in the future, I decided to start looking into driving to Atlanta to go to the
Starlight Six Drive-In Invasion. Had already planned to go with Tid but .. Anyways ... Seems I'll be winging it alone if I do go. But, I can't seem to find a hotel close enough to not get lost. Camping is supposed to be $25 a night - but no showers nearby (A BIG UGH!) A friend of mine with a place 35 miles away said I can crash at his house ... hmmmm???

Brit is heading to Maryland to stay with her mom to be out of the Hurricane's path. The boys are supposed to be heading to Kentucky and possibly Alabama. Mark & Misty are either going to Tennessee or just gonna hang out getting their new place in order. So, I'm thinking that being in this building over a long weekend without someone to chit chat with is going to be BORING as hell (not to mention scarey as hell if Frances does give us Georgians her Wrath!) so ... I guess I'd better make a decision soon as to what I plan to do!!!!

I read my horoscope today - WHO WRITES THESE THINGS ANYWAY? I mean yeah, mine is usually close and explains some of the moodiness I have (ok, so it gives me an EXCUSE for the mood swings)

Pisces Horoscope for Thursday, September 2, 2004
You might feel as if you've had to hold yourself back over these last days and even weeks. Now, however, the dam is ready to break and the waters are again ready to flow to the sea. Your separateness is again temporarily dissolving as the reality of your compassion overtakes your need for boundaries. Don't sacrifice your individuality too quickly. It's not selfish to hold onto your own center, for if you get washed out too far from the safety of the shoreline, you won't be of much help to anyone.

Ok, so that's all I can think to write at the moment. Besides, it's time for me to shower and head to Savannah - Ya'll Have a Great Day!